Quédate en casa y cocina
En estos días en casa, come bien. Es importante para mantener tu sistema inmunológico en forma y estar fuerte. Además es disfrute.
Dale vida a tu cocina y ponte a cocinar.
Tómatelo como una actividad familiar, disfruta de los momentos juntos cocinando y comiendo juntos. Compra en el supermercado o mejor aún, en el mercado de abastos de tu barrio así ayudas al pequeño comercio, que nos necesita más que nunca. Haz una lista de los ingredientes que necesitas y no te salgas de ella, ahorrarás dinero. Compra con cabeza. Y no compres más de lo que necesites.
Descargáte aquí la primera semana de nuestro Menu semanal I will cook for you
En momentos como éste, cada uno aporta lo que mejor sabe hacer, y por ello SE COLGARÁ EN LA WEB CADA SEMANA EL MENÚ SEMANAL con carácter gratuito desde ahora y hasta que sea necesario. Para daros ideas de qué comer cada día y qué comprar más allá de pasta y atún. Hay de todo en los mercados. Yo hago la compra y podéis encontrar todos los ingredientes que aparecen en el menú. Es más importante que nunca tener una dieta completa y equilibrada. Podéis seguirlo al pie de la letra o que os sirva de inspiración y lo personalicéis a vuestras necesidades. Y acuérdate de respetar la seguridad personal.
Descargáte aquí la primera semana de nuestro Menu semanal I will cook for you
Gracias por cuidarte!
La semana que viene subiremos la semana 2. Y si tienes cualquier duda o pregunta o necesitas un menú vegano o con algún requerimiento dietético, contacta en hola@iwillcookforyou.co
The menu of the week 17th-21st February
Vegetarian lasagna
Lentils with chorizo
Fish & chips with fideua
Meatballs with spaguetti
Turkey breast with asparragus rissoto
The menu of the week
Vegetarian lasagna
Lentils with chorizo
Fish & chips with fideua
Meatballs with spaguetti
Turkey breast with asparragus rissoto
The menu of the week
Vegetable soup
Chilli con carne
Fish & chips
Alubias con chorizo
Roasted turkey
Vegetable pizza
The menu of the week
Vegetarian lasagna
Lentils with chorizo
Fish & chips with fideua
Meatballs with spaguetti
Turkey breast with asparragus rissoto
For new parents
After the arrival of your new born at home
You can use I will cook for you as a temporary meal service during busy periods of your life such as the arrival of a new born.
I know how your life changes when you return home with your little one. Your day by day is reinvented and reorganized. Sometimes you don´t have your family close by to give you a hand when any help is more than welcome.
I would like to support you and your family during this transition:
- Making it easier for you to settle down at home by providing you and your family with five delicious and balanced dinners every week.
- Saving you time by doing the dinner planning, food shopping and cooking .
- Keeping a healthy and affordable food option having a weekly homemade menu.
While you are rebuilding your house
You can use I will cook for you as a temporary service during busy periods of your life such as an extension to your house.
- Providing a regular dinner service every week meanwhile your house is being extended.
- Solving food storage problem.
- Saving you time at the end of the day when you return to a house “underconstruction” .
- Keeping a healthy and affordable food option during this period of your life.
During school year
Supporting your family during the busy school year
I would like to support you and your family:
- Providing a regular dinner service every week meanwhile school terms.
- Saving you time at the end of the day when you return home and your children ask “Whats is for dinner?”
- Keeping a healthy and affordable food option.
A weekly dinner service to your house.I will cook for you is a homemade family meal delivery service based in Madrid and serves the Madrid city area.
Bloggers Day 2017 at Madresfera
Ready for the #Mbday17 Blogger´s Day with I will cook for you at the Madresfera in Madrid.